TreeSense Support

Forests under drought stress - causes and effects

According to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, around 500,000 hectares of forest in Germany need to be reforested, as climate change is causing massive forest damage due to extreme droughts and a lack of rainfall. The phenomenon behind this: Drought stress, which leads to tree death and pest infestation. What is drought stress? Drought stress occurs when plants do not receive enough water to maintain their physiological [...]

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A career in forestry: A perspective for young people in the face of climate change

The appeal of forestry as a career path If you love nature and want to make a contribution to the protection and sustainable use of the vital resources provided by the forest, then forestry is the right career for you. In Germany, various colleges and universities provide a sound education for prospective foresters and forest scientists. The challenges [...]

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Urban greenery, ecology & smart irrigation: sustainable urban symbiosis

At a time when urbanization is advancing inexorably, the importance of urban greenery for the ecology and well-being of people is becoming ever clearer. But while awareness of the need for green spaces in cities is growing, we also need to think about smart solutions to effectively maintain and preserve them. This is where TreeSense comes in, [...]

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Optimizing tree irrigation with TreeSense: sustainable practices meet innovative technology

Irrigation in the first years of a tree's life is crucial for its growth, development and vitality. While traditional irrigation methods are often inefficient, TreeSense offers a pioneering solution that revolutionizes the irrigation of young trees by using state-of-the-art sensor technology. In this article, we highlight the importance of completion and development care, the recommendations according to the FLL certification [...].

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